This is definitely a very difficult decision and should not be taken lightly; a personal decision that should be made by the individual and not by the government. It is also interesting to note that the percentage of Americans who favored abortion for career women dropped considerably from 1989 to 1998 (56% opposed in 1989; 70% opposed in 1998).
In addition, Goldberg and Elder found that "People know little about morning-after pills, hormones that women can take up to 72 hours after sex to prevent a fertilized egg from developing. But, 65% of the respondents said they would be likely to consider them a form of birth control rather than abortion. Less than one-fifth said they would consider use of the morning-after pills to be a form of abortion" (A16). If an abortion is induced by a form of medicine such as the morning-after pill and not by a surgical procedure, the process is viewed totally different. I do believe that the majority of Americans do not approve of surgical abortion but see it as the absolute last resort for a solution to a very complicated problem. And, the use of the morning-after pill may be a more acceptable means of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. But, I still believe there should be more restrictions placed on the availability of abortions and that abortions should not be used as a major form of birth control. .
The president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Gloria Feldt may be a conservative republican, but her personal views regarding a woman's reproductive rights fall among the majority of Americans who believe that the government should not be involved in this moral issue. Gloria Feldt said in her New York Times article dated, December 26, 2000:.
"Like the country, I am a soul divided. While I embrace President-elect.
Bush's promises to unite and heal the nation, I am frightened by the.
assertions of Jerry Falwell, Gary Bauer and others who seem to feel the.