one partner; "I really do think you ought to be careful, it's such horribly bad form to go on and on.
like this with one man." (54) To exclude such natural instincts, one must get rid of parents,.
because it is when living in a family that one develops into an individual. This is exactly what.
was done in the civilized world.
In Aldous Huxley's world, parents and family seem to represent everything that is opposite.
to their World State's Motto which is "Community, Identity, Stability." Community (a group.
sharing in common the same hobbies, interests, work, etc.) cannot be achieved when living in.
family evironment because in a family individuality is encouraged. Even if it were attempted to.
try to enforce such likenesses, it is a feat that would be nearly impossible to achieve because no.
parent could ever have enough control to set out exactly what their child should learn. Identity,.
again, is not common with families because teenagers often have the urge to rebel or become.
something different from what society or their parents want them to be. If children were born and.
raised, nobody would look the same, act the same, or could even attempt to achieve this without.
using science as an aid. Finding stability where there is individuality is actually impossible. This.
is because when there are different views on the same subject there are always possible riots, boy-.
cotts or even simple letters to the government for a change. (Even simple letters are dangerous.
because it means that people have started to develop their own ideas.) Parents create the.
distinctiveness in people and with children being born and raised by parents there is no way that.
the civilized world could function in the same way as Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. There.
would be too many problems and mistakes, and there would be too many people doing whatever.
they wanted to do. Rather than always following the norm, some people might actually want to.