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Most hippies got their LSD from Augustus Owsley Stanley III, the source of the most purest and best LSD in the world. He kept his prices low. His nicknames were the Bear, the White Rabbit and the Naughty Chemist. As well as LSD, hippies can also be associated with is marijuana. Marijuana or (weed, pot, reefer, grass, bone, leaf, nugs, fuzzies, midis, buds, hash, or ganja) is a plant. It's forms can be grass, block, or oil. Most of the time it is smoked, but it can be brewed or eaten. It's effects are similar to LSD, but not as much focus on the five senses. You suffer from short term memory loss and impaired concentration (Hoeymakers). "Bunk" was slang for bad drugs. If you sold fake drugs, you would be known as a "bunker (Lee)." The majority of drug smoking took place during1966, known as the acid-rock era. The Hash Bash was the United State's first and longest running protest for the legalization of weed (Friedan 36). .
             Hippies believe in a sort of natural look. They wear no makeup and grow their hair out long. Hair for hippies was termed a "freak flag", meaning long hair. During the 50s, afros on young blacks were an important symbol of their race, which would later become a popular fad in the present as well (Stone). A hippie's average outfit for a day would consist of some faded denim bellbottoms, a cute flowered shirt, and some floppy open-toed sandals or platform shoes. On some occasions, Afghans and transparent silks are worn too. Accessories include things like earrings, bandanas, hats, headbands, and handmade "love" beads. Under the circumstances, symbols (peaces signs, etc.) are painted with day-glo paints on the face, arms, legs and stomach area. Hippies love tie-dye.or just plain-out crazy colors. Tie-dye and psychedelic colors were inspired by LSD and hallucinogenic drugs (Hoeymakers). Hippies could take their "bread" (money) to go buy some "threads" (clothes).

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