These are stereotype body shapes. Most people are a combination of two are all three (Causes, 2003). It is not doubtful whether a person's body shape and fat distribution is sufficient enough to cause obesity (Causes, 2003).
In her book, The Hungry Gene, Ellen Shell promoted the idea that leptin may be one of the causes of obesity (Causes, 2003). Leptin is a naturally occurring hormone that controls the appetitie. When full, fat cells release the hormone leptin, it curbs the appetite (Causes, 2003). If leptin production is changed, the fat cells are unable to signal that they are full and weight gain occurs. Research into leptin is just beginning (Causes, 2003).
A small minority of cases of obesity can be explained by gland or hormonal problems. One such problem is clinical hypothyroidism. This is where there is not enough thyroid hormone to control normal rates of metabolism (Causes, 2003). I, myself, have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed when I was in middle school. To correct the problem, I have to take a pill everyday. Sex hormones can also affect obesity. In women, body fat levels during adolescence, pregnancy and menopause are determined by the balance of the female sex hormones (Causes, 2003). .
Weight is also affected by gender. Men have more lean body mass (muscle) and less fat than women (Causes, 2003). Lean body mass is more metabolically active and thus uses more energy than fat (Causes, 2003). So, even at rest, men burn between 10 and 20 percent more calories than women (Causes, 2003).
Obesity 4.
Environmental factors also have an affect on weight. An environment where .
people eat high fat and sugar diets and do little exercising causes problems with excess weight and obesity (Causes, 2003). Americans live in an environment that with fast-food and convenience food culture is perfect for gaining weight. Also, due to the convenience of television and labor saving devices, most Americans do not get enough physical activity.