Integration and Skepticism of Chinese Medicine.
Over the past few decades some Western scientists have attempted to scientifically and rationally explain the efficacy of "alternative- healing methods, particularly that of traditional Chinese medicine. However, the majority of these studies, conducted during the 1960's through 1970's, incorporated a biased point of view, in that the authors wrote their reports from a Westernized perspective. Instead of evaluating traditional Chinese medicine from an epistemological and cultural standpoint, these skeptics noted inconsistencies in the scientific methodology practiced by Chinese physicians and researchers visĀ -vis traditional Western scientific thought. These writings were polemic in nature, and primarily appeared at a detrimental time of social upheaval within the country of China (Scheid, 2002). The Chinese Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966-1977) greatly limited the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Journals that would serve to elucidate, enrich, and promote traditional Chinese medicine were suppressed, and academic practitioners were discouraged through lack of governmental funding and overall support. The Chinese government refused to sponsor traditional Chinese medicine unless a more Westernized approach evolved within the field. This implied the Western application of scientific analysis. Indeed, Farquhar states, "Science is the weapon in a struggle to ensure a future for- practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (Farquhar, 1994). As Farquhar further states, "official traditional medicine may be narrowing, growing more and more rigorously scientific,"" it is evident that Chinese scholars have adopted the Western ideology of scientific methodology to a certain extent (Farquhar, 1994). Since the 1980's Chinese medicinal researchers have endeavored to validate their healing methods through quantifiable and rational experiments.
Next in ERP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) integrates core business areas such as manufacturing, distribution, financials and human resources. ... It attempts to integrate all departments and functions across a company onto a single computer system that can serve all those different department's particular needs. ... This gave birth to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which covered the cross-functional coordination and integration in support of the production process. ... If ERP wants to keep pace with these changes, it needs integrates new functions and expands its market. ... I...
However, just like some of China's neighboring countries (such as South Korea) have developed a closer bond and consequently created a popular opinion showing China to be more highly regarded, some major powers, such as the U.S, have shown skepticism towards China's so-called 'peaceful rise ' (Sutter, 2004, p.284). ... On the contrary, China will continue to "integrate itself into the international economic system and acquire world resources by peaceful means" (Yue, 2008) that is, through fair trade and investment. ... As a result, when some liberal theorists ana...
The initiatives included: New software to integrate Dell's back-end system with those of its customers; An extranet to link suppliers to Dell's manufacturing facilities; Additional technical support and value-added services; A new ordering site in Asia. ... To help customers integrate Dell's ordering system with customers' internal approval processes, in 1998 Dell began beta testing software that integrated customers' back-end order processing system with the new process. ... The first issue is that Dell is plagued with internal PR issues, including d...
With the integration of international economic activity the requirements for goods and services are increasing and alongside those, the requirements for people. ... The main issues concerning the Russian workforce, as described in "An examination of the organizational and cross-cultural challenges facing international hotel managers in Russia", are: 1) Cultural value differences including different attitudes and behaviors, which create barriers. 2) Corruption, stealing, bribery, misappropriation of funds and racketeering. 3) Poor morale, excess workers, poorly trained workers, lack of em...
Past and present, there has always been a different integration consisting of the believers and the non-believers of God. ... In the above discussion, I was trying neither to prove nor disprove the existence of God; I was, however, trying to offer some skepticism upon statements which many people have claimed about the existence of God. ...
The EU is essentially " the result of a process of cooperation and integration which began in 1951 between six countries (Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.) ... Therefore, by including such a politically and historically rich nation as the Czech Republic, this diversity within the EU will continue to grow thus further promoting the idea of European integration. ...