" If we believe in monotheism, how do we know there aren't many gods like mythology states? I read that creationism is where God created the universe in six twenty-four hour days, and after that all creation ceased (http://emporium.turnpike.net/C/cs/basics/index.htm ). I started to look, in the Bible, for prove that creation was the origin of humanity. Then I think, "How do I know that this is not a fictional book that some monk wrote many centuries ago?" After I thought of this, I looked on the Internet to find proof that the Bible not full of errors. I found that there are many scientific facts that are mentioned in the Bible before being recorded anywhere else. One example is in the book of Job (26:7) it states how the earth is suspended in the middle of space. Also in the book of Job, dinosaurs are mentioned and described (http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/creation.shtml). After reading of dinosaurs the idea of fossils came to mind. I decided to head to the library and read up on what Charles Darwin has to say about this subject. In his book, The Origin of Species, he states that fossil evidence is a hostile witness to his theory of evolution (The Origin of Species). He claimed that the abrupt appearance of life and lack of transitional forms was the most serious objection to his theory. .
I then started to read of "The Big Bang Theory" which states, two atmospheres collided into each other and developed a single atmosphere that had the ability to allow life to form (http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/creation.shtml). I thought that this sounded reasonable, until I thought of what the probability would be for everything to be perfectly in sync for life to evolve. A fellow student stated, "The probability for everything to go right would be as great as taking a disassembled watch, putting it in a box, shaking the box, and the watch being put back together in working order." I couldn't believe that everything happened just right to allow something as complex as a living organism to be produced.