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             In "Horor, hallickar och torskar" Leif G W Persson writes about a theoretical construction, the pyramid of prostitution, to give a perspicuous look at how prostitution splits itself in different actions. It ranks the acts of prostitution after social network, how easy it is to get it, the amount of prostitution work and the number of prostitutes. The pyramid was constructed at the end of the seventies, but is still interesting and relevant for the twenty- first century. A woman can move between the different fields of the pyramid and a woman that works in a sexclub can walk on the street as well. They can also move up and down in the pyramid after having a "career" as prostitutes.
             4.1 STREET PROSTITUTION.
             Street prostitution is considered to be the worst kind of prostitution, both in society and among prostitutes. This is a group with a majority that can be looked upon as outsiders of the society. The women on the streets are often addicted to alcohol and/or narcotics. Very often they also have other personal problems to deal with. Many of them are unemployed or have low-paid part-time jobs. These women often have no real education and they have an unfavourable background. They often miss normal relationships with people that can make up and prevent the influence they are being exposed to as prostitutes. Common traces for all these women are loneliness, isolation, no social networks, low education, difficulties at the labour market, unhappiness and senses of shame. They constantly consider to break up but they have no other alternatives or options.
             The street prostitutes meet their "clients" on a passage and take them with them to an apartment nearby or the clients car. What is characteristic with this kind of prostitution is that there are many prostitutes in this group that only do it a few times. The women that sell sex on the street can be divided into two groups, the prostitutes that do it for a living and the others that only do it occasionally.

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