After two years of the NEP, Trotsky declared, the growth in industrial production was still lagging far behind the recovery in a change had to be made by lowering industrial goods" prices, through the planned modernization, concentration and expansion of industry.
The Politburo members were also divided by their personal likes and dislikes. Zinoviev, the one who proposed Stalin for the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee and Kamenev disliked Trotsky and banded together with Stalin with the object of preventing Trotsky from taking over from Lenin. Zinoviev made no secret of his own desire to succeed Lenin and the fact that he sided with Stalin is an indication that he feared Trotsky more than Stalin. Zinoviev once remarked to Trotsky "Can't you see you"re surrounded Your tricks won't work, you"re in the minority, on your own".
Trotsky was intellectually brilliant and always ahead of his colleagues in his thinking (he was the first to suggest the NEP and there was great opposition to his views. He had to revise his views and by the time he had done this, his colleagues reached to a conclusion that Trotsky had been right all the time). Other representations of that era describe Trotsky as vain and arrogant. At Politburo meetings he often treated his colleagues with contempt, sometimes turning his back on them or storming out of the room in a temper. This shows the difficulty of finding a clear and unbiased description on an event or a personality of the past since different representations show different aspects or views on a subject. This problem of representing the past can only be solved by extensive researching were a clear description may be found.
The trio was organizing opposition to the logical notion of Trotsky succeeding Lenin. Zinoviev raked up all the old disagreements of Trotsky with Lenin, while Kamenev explained to the young communists that Trotsky had been a Menshevik (opposing to Bolsheviks) for several years "and once a Menshevik, always a Menshevik".