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Fifth Bussiness/Carl Jung

So it was, except for two reels that were amateurish but pretentious "art studies" of Leola, lying on cushions, peeping through veils, sitting at her make-up table, kneeling in front of an open fire, wagging her finger at a Teddy Bear, choosing a chocolate from a large ribboned box in every one of them she was stark naked Next time I dined with them all the pictures were brought out Leola sat between us while Boy showed the pictures He seemed to enjoy Leola's discomfort thoroughly As we drew near the end of the show he turned to me and said with a grin "I hope you didn't find it too hot in here, old man?" (Davies 156-158)
             Dunny tells us that Boy: "was explicit about his sexual needs; he had to have intercourse often-(Davies 185) He continues to tell us that: "It all sounded very exhausting and strangely like a sharp workout with the punching bag; I was glad I was not so demandingly endowed." (Davies 185-186) Magnus also had more sexual freedom. He was involved with the beautiful Faustina who Dunny adored. "Officially she was Esingrim's mistress they shared a room." (Davies 223) Dunny had no freedom when it came to sex and he even at times would pretend it meant nothing but he looked at the pictures of Leola and enjoyed watching Liesl and Faustina in a passionate embrace even though he refuses to admit it. The unpleasant qualities he doesn't want to show when it comes to sex and the freedom to experience it can be found in his shadows, Boy and Magnus.
             Dunny was never a rich man; he made a little money in the stock market with the help of Boy and used that to travel and eventually used much of his money to care for Mary Dempster. Dunny was also never really famous, even though he wrote so many books, including Esingrim's autobiography. Unlike Dunny, Boy was both rich and famous. Boy made a ton of money in the stock market and continued to make even more during the depression through his dealings in solaces.

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