Once the selection has taken place summons are then sent out attached with a form to return, confirming that the persons does not fall into any of the disqualified or ineligible groups. From the resulting list the jury panel is produced. If selected, a citizen is obliged to serve on the jury. The Jurors receive a set of notes explaining a little of the procedure of the jury service and the functions of the juror. The normal length of jury service is approximately two weeks but due to some cases it can last longer. Jury service is compulsory for all those not disqualified, ineligible or excused and failure to attend on the specified date or unfitness through drink and drugs is a contempt of court and can even result in a fine. In many ways it can be seen as slave labour, but it does not break the European Convention right to Liberty as it is seen as a public duty.
During the time of the trial the prosecution may ask for a juror to be removed before the case starts by asking the juror to "stand by-. No reasons need be given, and the power is used sparingly. Either the prosecution or the defence may "challenge for cause-, and seek to persuade the judge that an individual juror is biased; questions may be put to the juror only if there is reason to believe that that might be the case. This challenge is most commonly used if the defendant recognizes a juror.
After a satisfactory jury has been drawn, its members are sworn in, and the trial proceeds. In general, during the progress of a trial, all questions of law are determined by the court and questions of fact by the jury. The limits of the inquiry as to facts are determined by the pleadings and the rules of evidence. Whether evidence is properly admissible or not is a question for the court, but the weight and credibility of the evidence admitted are determined by the jury. The court, however, may decide a question of fact without sending the question to the jury if no conflict of evidence exists on the point.