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The Giver

In The Giver, Jonas realizes that the community sacrificed joy, emotion, individuality, color and many other things, all for the pursuit of a life without war or pain. Although the community has gotten rid of all the bad things in life, to do it, they had to sacrifice all the good. The community has sacrificed the very things that make them human, their differences and opinions and family. Their lives have no meaning without the good. They are just there to live out their life without any purpose but to serve the community.
             1) I think that there are a couple reasons for dream telling in the morning and sharing of feelings at the end of the day. One is that the leaders can have all knowledge of what is going on in the community. The person could be thinking something very dangerous or plotting to do something harmful to the community. I think the dream telling and sharing of feelings are a big violation of one's privacy. Some dreams and feelings are better kept private. The choice to tell one's feelings and dreams should be made by that person, not the community.
             Another reason could be for the parents to know about "stirrings". If Jonas hadn't told his parents about his dream with Fiona, then his parents wouldn't have known about the "stirrings". Furthermore, they couldn't have given him a pill to take each day to prevent them from occurring again. Jonas was very uncomfortable telling his parents and he wished he didn't have to. I think this is just another way for the community to control the members. It's also a way to keep the population down so that way only the birthmothers reproduce and not the community members.
             4) The reason community members opted for sameness at sometime in the past is because they thought it would be perfect. I think that it is a very good possibility that the scientists did not tell them all the bad things that came along with the good and that's why they chose this way of life.

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