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schizophrenia vs. insanity

As scientists and doctors continue to research, more and more is found out about each and we are therefore capable of bettering treatments for such illnesses. For instance, it was not until the 1950's that antipsychotic medications were available and depended on by those suffering from either disease. Instead, doctors relied on the use of treatments such as shock therapy, lobotomy, and severe restraint. Although each of these is presently used as well, more is understood about the treatment itself and they are used more properly.
             Currently, physicians rely more on the use of drugs and therapy than of treatments such as shock therapy, lobotomy and restraint. However, people are still placed in mental institutions and kept within close watch just as shock therapy and lobotomy are also utilized when the time is appropriate. Researchers have not overruled the use of older methods but rather grown from them. They have been expanded to fit our current knowledge and will continue to do so.
             In addition to our present state of mind, doctors, scientists and researchers continue to seek more information on both Schizophrenia and insanity. As the leading Federal agency for researcher on mental disorders, NIMH conducts and supports mental illness research ranging from molecular genetics to large-scale epidemiologic studies of populations. Although society has a long way to go before we know all of the answers concerning mental disabilities, over the past 25 years, we have made significant progress and continue to do so.
             Symptoms of Both.
             Both Schizophrenia and insanity have a great impact on one's life. Symptoms range from sleeping habits to hallucinations and their frequency is never predictable. Although Schizophrenia and insanity are very different diseases, they share such characteristics as these. "One Flew over the Cookoo's Nest" and "A Beautiful Mind" demonstrate probable reactions.
             The symptoms of Schizophrenia often come and go at their own pace.

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