If they can specify using each cell types with certain chemicals and measure their response, they will be able to sort out chemicals that can be used to treat the diseases that involve those specific cell types in a short time rather than they test any medicals for each disease. Therefore, ES technology would allow scientists have faster results with fewer tests and less resources. .
Another major area of human embryonic stem cell technology is the study of human development. Until now, studying the earliest stages of human development is unreachable for scientist and it keeps challenging them. However, in this way or another way, they can continue to study on the human ES cells and are not afraid any risks to human beings. For instance, as they mentioned in the "Embryonic Stem Cell Information" article, testing screening drugs on cultured human embryonic could help reduce the risk of drug-related birth defects. For scientists, understanding the events that occur during the first stages of human development would allow not only the prevention birth defects, infertility and pregnancy loss but also the treatment of abnormal human development. .
On the other hand, obtaining blastocyst-derived stem cells requires the 'destruction of human embryos' ("Stem Cell Research Alert" 1). This process has refocused a long-standing debate of "when life begins, when personhood begins, and even when an embryo receives a soul" ("Address of John Paul II to the Members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences" 1). However, neither the question of moral status nor the larger question of just what is an embryo is new. Despite their position on stem cell research, most people would agree that an embryo is alive and that it is some form of human organism. Disagreement emerges on the question of whether an embryo is a person. This is a very important distinction because it is also like a fundamental question between pro-choice and pro-life decisions with regard to abortion.