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Strenuous Exercise and the Human Body

The hypothalamus is the body's main body temperature regulating centre. The effector is next and is the organ or tissue that will bring around the response needed. With regulation of body temperature the effectors here are the blood vessels, sweat glands and the cerebrum.
             Finally, there are responses, which are changes in the body functioning to try and counteract the original stimulus. During exercise the body's temperature rises and to try and lower this several responses occur. These are:.
             - Vasodilation- this is where the blood vessels dilate, and the skin is supplied with blood carrying heat from the internal organs. This heat is then passed out through the skin and into the external environment. This however does not remove heat quick enough so other responses are needed.
             - Sweating- this is where the sweat glands are stimulated and actively secrete fluids. It also relies on the periodic contraction of the cells surrounding these sweat ducts, to pump the sweat to this skins surface. This sweat is evaporated and cools the body. .
             - Initiation of lethargy- becoming tired and a decrease in activity.
             - Decreased muscle tone.
             - Decrease in hormone secretions like adrenaline.
             - Behavioral responses: These are the responses that are not automatic. They are actions initiated by the exerciser like having a cool drink, wearing cooler clothing and stop exercising.
             All these responses then finally result in a negative feedback. This negative feedback is the opposite of the original stimulus. In this case all the responses initiate by the body's homeostatic mechanism reduced the body temperature. This therefore allows the body to have an optimum core temperature for chemical reactions. Another factor that is altered by strenuous exercise is the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood. During exercise the lungs begin to breathe faster and more deeply, supplying your body with more oxygen. Also during exercise breathing must change to ensure oxygen is replenished in the blood and carbon dioxide removed.

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