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Moving to Las Vegas

But before long staring down the same stretch of road took toll on the both of us. While Zak was driving somewhere in New Mexico, his eyes began to fill with tears. Blinking to erase the blurred vision he realized sleep was calling his name. I can make it to the next town he was telling himself, or at least to a rest stop, then I'll wake Meghan. At about that moment he closes his eyes for one too many seconds. Instantly bouncing into a cement wall and of course waking me with my life flashing before my eyes. Screaming at the top of my lungs, two semi trucks pounding on their horns, Zak immediately pulls off the road. I swear on the night I thought I was going to die. Never again I tell him will I trust your driving skills. And I never have.
             Finally after a near death experience, and my curse to all tarps we make it to Vegas. Hugs and kisses on the way in, it felt like home already. That night we even went down to the strip to check it out. Las Vegas was beautiful. I've never seen so many tall buildings and bright lights in my life. Hotel upon hotel, night clubs, game rooms, who could get bored in a place like this? I have to admit my favorite hotel was the Bellagio. They took my love for flowers to the max. When you walk in all you can smell is the sweet aroma of freshly cut flowers from around the world. I stood in amazement. Staring up at grand ceilings and marble floors I stepped in to get a closer look. I couldn't believe I was in such an amazing. Outside they had their famous water show. From songs like pink panther, to famous opera tunes, they had spectacular water stunts that played to the music. "Singing in the rain- is an all time favorite. .
             Most of all Amy was such a sweetheart, showing me around town, making breakfast; she really knew how to take the edge off. We ended up becoming really close. While the boys were at home playing video games, we would go to the strip and strut our stuff.

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