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Moving to Las Vegas

             The opportunity to move came all of a sudden. Being cooped up in a small town for two years can do a lot to a person. The thought of moving to the City of Sin, Las Vegas, Nevada to be exact, made my eyes open wide. Bright lights, lots of people and finally something to keep Zak and I busy. Considering the circumstances I had second thoughts. Mike and Amy, a couple, were friends of my fiancé Zak while he lived in Texas. I have never met them. Living with other people is hard, especially ones you do not know. Before I even said yes they were changing the sheets on the guess bed. I can hear Mike's anxious voice now, "You've gotta come, it's just not the same without you -. Of course being without your best friend is hard, but trying to live couple to couple is another thing. All of a sudden my mind came to a blur. What if we didn't get along? What if I hated it there? What if we couldn't find jobs? Where would we go? What would we do? This and much more kept my thoughts tangled in a dear sweet web of confusion.
             Moving day was at the least my first day in hell. Of course no one ever estimates how long it takes for you to pack up, clean a one bedroom apartment and go. You never know how much stuff you have until you move it. We ended up taking all day long. Too warn out to think about driving we decided to stay another night. Piling up in out truck the next day, packed from top to bottom we were off. Or so we thought. Someone forgot to mention to two eager college students how to properly tie down a tarp. We ended up spending the first six hours figuring this problem out. Finally I came up with the bright idea to buy bungee cords and give the sucker no choice but to stay down.
             Desperately seeking for some sort of entertainment, Zak and I decided to make this road trip as fun as possible. Making up cheesy games, singing along with the radio and reading magazines is what kept us from going stir crazy.

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