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Capital Market

According the story of Mexico crisis, "the very weakness of the financially system can make the eventual crisis even worse by discouraging prompt adjustment of monetary policy in the lead-up the crisis "and can also complicate the policy response after the crisis has began."" (Lawrence H. Summer). As Jagdish Bhagwati concluded in his article that "countries have not opened up the foreign capital markets should remain closed until their trade is fully open and they have both political security with sounding banking system. Countries that have already opened will be interested in regaining the capital that fled."" .
             Countries with liberalized capital flows are also likely to have unexpected economic reversal that different from free good market. The research shows capital flows on many cases do not have the positive supports on growth. Even the costs of capital market liberalization have outweighed the benefits. .
             For example, the story of the recent Asian crisis could attest the cost of unrestricted capital market. After policy of triumphed free market declared after 1990, banks in Asia was opened to foreigners for investing or buying local fund. Massive capital then inflowed in those Asian countries that agreed and followed the advice for liberal market. Most of the profits from free trade in Asia were used to buy land and the land price soared. Investment in turn which ended up as collateral for a very large proportion of the assets of the domestic financial system, using more like preference consumptions than substantial investment. Then given a crisis, foreign investors dump the local currency and the currency devalues. In order to keep foreign invests, government raised the interest rates which will further weaken banks and intensified the domestic problems. Though by raising the interest rate, foreign currency will be kept in the country, ongoing speculative investments might still cause the further dilemma.

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