All of these limit the chances of the individual in obtaining gainful employment and hence their plight remains the same, homeless with no income. Among this segment of society we often find low self-esteem and low confidence levels.
Racism, as viewed by the social-conflict theory in today's society, shows upper management positions controlling the hiring of today's workforce who are demographically middle-aged white males. Their discrimination and limited job opportunities contributes to African Americans lack of gathering the needed resources to prevent homelessness. We even see discrimination and racism through the illegal practices of "red-lining". Even though fair housing is the law of the land, there are still examples where sellers choose not to sell property based solely on the prospective buyer's appearance. This also contributes to a reduced supply base of equitable housing available to minorities.
The third contributing factor to homelessness is domestic violence against women and children. Due to gender stratification, the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women, women are often forced out of their homes when domestic violence occurs. The gender roles that society has placed on women makes it very difficult, even with higher education, for a woman to successfully support her children and herself on her income. Even without domestic violence the largest growing sector of homelessness and economically disadvantaged are women and children.
As we begin to look for solutions to the homeless issues in our society, we first must gain an understanding of the magnitude of the problem. Second we must be willing to change our own attitudes and bias about the framework contributing to homelessness. We should begin to understand that part of the homeless problem should be seen in terms of illness as opposed to retreatism. The role of society, as well as the community of Christian believers, can help to bring this nationwide crisis into manageable proportions.