The books "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous and "The Catcher In The Rye" by J.
Salinger are both very similar books about confused, lonely and awkward teenagers .
whose lives are out of control. "Go Ask Alice" is about a drug addicted teen who is under .
extreme pressure from her "perfect parents", friends and school. She runs away from her .
home in means to find her place in life. Her journey is somewhat very similar to Holden .
Caulfeild's journey in "The Catcher In The Rye". Holden is a confused and disillusioned .
16-year-old boy who searches for truth and rails against the "phoniness" of the adult .
world. He sets off on a journey, as well, to search for a place where he belongs. Both .
characters have addictions, these addictions started because they both wanted to escape .
from reality and they both find innocence and have a good communication bond with .
their younger siblings.
"Anonymous" in "Go Ask Alice" is a 15-year-old girl who is tricked into taking the .
drug LSD. This has begun her journey into darkness. The drugs take her off her .
loneliness and self-hate, but they also turn her life into a nightmare of exalting highs and .
excruciating lows. She experiments not only with LSD, but with marijuana, speed, .
mushrooms and cocaine. She is addicted to all these drugs and finds it impossible to stop .
any of them. For her, these drugs turn into her life. .
"Anyone who says pot and acid are not addicting is a damn, stupid, raving idiot, .
unenlightened fool! I've been here since July 10, and when I've been off I've been scared .
to death to even think of anything that even looks or seems like dope. All the time .
pretending to myself that I could take it or leave it! All the dumb, idiot kids who think .
they are only chipping are in reality just existing from one experience to the other. After .
you've had it, there isn't even life without drugs." (Anonymous, 83).
The way this part of the story is like "The Catcher In The Rye" is because .