His main qualification for politics was arguably his staggering gifts as an orator - "a mass psychologist of really diabolical genius". (Schacht).
J Fest draws attention to a final mystery - the sterility of Hitler's legacy. In spite of the recent emergence of Neo-Nazism, the Nazi Party as such disappeared with its Fuhrer. He bequeathed no monument in terms of buildings or viable ideas. The great demagogue left behind him not so much as a memorable phrase.
Adolf Hitler poses unique problems for historians. "The Nazi period in German history is an object of academic historical enquiry and detailed scholarly research. It is also a live and painful issue for thousands of Germans and other Europeans, the explanation of why they have no relatives or children." (Michael Burleigh (ed.), Confronting the Nazi Past, Collins & Brown 1996). While all history is contemporary history, in the sense that it is refracted through the consciousness and preoccupations of people in the present, some is more so than others. For many Germans, 1933-45 is a black hole in their history which somehow has to be reinvented. Twinned with this problem is the puzzle of Hitler's personal responsibility for two of the greatest catastrophes in world history - World War Two and the Holocaust. He is the supreme example of the debate about the historical role of 'great' individuals - whether the Hitlers and Napoleons bend social, economic and demographic forces to their will or are their prisoner.
Both these dilemmas are addressed in A J P Taylor's Origins of the Second World War (1961), which is the start of modern revisionism. Little can be discovered so long as we go on attributing everything that happened to Hitler. He supplied a powerful dynamic element, but it was fuel to an existing engine. He was in part the creation of Versailles, in part the creation of ideas that were common in contemporary Europe. Most of all, he was the creation of German history and of the German present.
Several people died but Hitler suffered little injury. ... Chapter Two focuses on Hitler's defeats and weaknesses. ... In his attempt to show the whole view of The Last Days of Hitler he even included a key map of Hitler's bunker. ... The Death of Hitler continues by showing actual pictures of Hitler's skull bone. ... One was Heinz Linge, Hitler's valet, who said he went into the room after Hitler and Braun committed suicide. ...
Adolf Hitler's life began in Austria on April 20, 1889. ... The Beer Hall Putsch was a critical moment for Hitler. ... Hitler's attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic by force was a humiliating experience for Hitler and the Nazi movement. ... Hitler's new political strategies were very effective. ... Hitler was a master of propaganda. ...
HITLER"S RISE TO POWER Hitler's Rise to Power Hitler's Rise to Power In Braunau, Austria on April 20, 1889, Adolf Hitler was born into the world. ... The party was lacking in mass support, Hitler's army failed to back him. ... In Hitler as philosophe:Remnats of the enlightenment in national socialism. ... Hitler used his leadership and he slowly began to mend a broken Germany. ... Hitler called for new elections. ...
When the war ended, Hitler was in hospital at Pasewalk recovering from his loss of vision, Hitler after he was discharged made his way back to Munich. ... The Army ordered Hitler to join and build it up and Hitler duly set about increasing the organisation of the DAP. ... Hitler was in full control of the Nazi Party. ?... Hitler saw this asa heaven sent opportunity.? ... Hitler was standing next to a pillar in the hall. ...
Jeff Webb The Adolf Hitler Death Mystery There are many different thoughts and versions of how Hitler died. ... The idea of Adolf Hitler taking in a cyanide pill to die is insane. ... It was said he was found with three other bodies and that one of them could have been Hitler. ... Hitler indeed did commit suicide but not with Goebbels. ... That is what I believe about the amazing Death Mystery surrounding Adolf Hitler....
In 1938 and 1939 Hitler did various risky monivours to get extra land for his country. ... On the 22nd of septermeber 1938 , Chamberlain met with Hitler and to his dismay he found that Hitler had extended his demands. ... The Czecjs rejected hitlers demand and prepared to fight. ... Hitler believe now that Britian and France would do nothing. ... Hitler now had his eye on Poland . ...
Hitler was so overcome with power that he believed he could do anything he desired. ... As a result Hitler was granted emergency power, which soon turned into dictatorial powers. ... It is evident that Hitler had no serious problem with the Jewish religion. ... Hitler is the prime example of what too much power can do to an individual. Hitler simply had too much power for one person. ...
By June 14, France had surrendered and Hitler was making plans to invade Great Britain. Hitler played the role as a General in WWII all though he didn't know much about stratagies he knew alot about weapons and made sure his soldiers used them effectively. ... As the Battle proceeded Hitler's greater goal would be achieved, getting rid of Europes Jews. From the beginning Hitler had always had the idea set in the back of his mind about the murder of millions of Jews. ... Some people ask the question why Hitler wait until the end of 1941 or the beginning of 1942? ...