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His main qualification for politics was arguably his staggering gifts as an orator - "a mass psychologist of really diabolical genius". (Schacht).
             J Fest draws attention to a final mystery - the sterility of Hitler's legacy. In spite of the recent emergence of Neo-Nazism, the Nazi Party as such disappeared with its Fuhrer. He bequeathed no monument in terms of buildings or viable ideas. The great demagogue left behind him not so much as a memorable phrase.
             Adolf Hitler poses unique problems for historians. "The Nazi period in German history is an object of academic historical enquiry and detailed scholarly research. It is also a live and painful issue for thousands of Germans and other Europeans, the explanation of why they have no relatives or children." (Michael Burleigh (ed.), Confronting the Nazi Past, Collins & Brown 1996). While all history is contemporary history, in the sense that it is refracted through the consciousness and preoccupations of people in the present, some is more so than others. For many Germans, 1933-45 is a black hole in their history which somehow has to be reinvented. Twinned with this problem is the puzzle of Hitler's personal responsibility for two of the greatest catastrophes in world history - World War Two and the Holocaust. He is the supreme example of the debate about the historical role of 'great' individuals - whether the Hitlers and Napoleons bend social, economic and demographic forces to their will or are their prisoner.
             Both these dilemmas are addressed in A J P Taylor's Origins of the Second World War (1961), which is the start of modern revisionism. Little can be discovered so long as we go on attributing everything that happened to Hitler. He supplied a powerful dynamic element, but it was fuel to an existing engine. He was in part the creation of Versailles, in part the creation of ideas that were common in contemporary Europe. Most of all, he was the creation of German history and of the German present.

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