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The Heroic Cycle

He is only trying to prevent Holden from walking down a path of failure. If Holden keeps getting expelled from schools, like he has been doing, he is bound to be failure in life. There is also great irony in Mr. Spencer's attempt to help Holden not become a failure. In Holden's eyes, old Mr. Spencer is a failure. Holden views him as a phony and is angered by his phony behavior. When the headmaster, Mr. Thurmer came into Holden's history class, Mr. Spencer would begin to "crack a lot of corny jokes. Old Spencer"d practically kill himself smiling and all, like as if Thurmer was a goddam prince or something" Page 168. .
             3. Holden On the Road/Explanation of Chart .
             Holden's journey is symbolic of a chess game. While at Pencey Holden he was told, "life is a game". This "life was a game that was played by the rules" Page 8. Holden admits that life is a game. He then tells the reader that "if you get on the side where there aren't any hot-shots" there is "nothing" and there is "no game" Page 8. Holden begins to play this game as soon as he leaves Pencey with that attitude. He is on the side where there aren't any hotshots. His opponent is society, and all of its phonies that it is composed of. Holden has a weakness however. He is unprepared for this journey that he has made. Not only does he struggle with society, but he also struggles with himself internally. Holden's chess pieces are symbolic; they are symbolic of Holden's internal struggle. Holden's main pieces, such at the knight, the bishop etc., are examples of Holden's theory. His theory is his belief of isolating himself from society and the phonies. Holden believes that through isolation he can remain true and sincere. Holden's pawns are symbolic of the part of Holden that longs to interact with other people in society. In the long run the part of Holden that longs to interact with others ruins Holden. He is overpowered and easily conquered by society.

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