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hispanic in minnesota

It is the exact definition that I mentioned before. Then there are the settled migrants which are exactly what it sounds like. They are old migrants or just migrants that are tired of that type of lifestyle and want a more solid home. They sometimes find a year around job and will stay in that area. In the book the Circuit, the family looks hard for a year around job because they don't like moving all of the time.
             Most of them are here because of a better life. Florida Sanchez said that they moved here simply for a better life rather than be in Mexico. She migrated into the U.S. when she was eighteen. She came here to work in the fields in Minnesota and likes how friendly the people are here. Her kids also like the school here rather than Texas.
             Migrants in general are very religious people. They are said to be very polite and thankful for what other people do for them. They usually have big families and they go wherever the father takes them and nobody stays behind. The children take care of each other and help out around their houses or wherever they stay. When they do work in the fields the whole family works and when the father cannot work anymore or the mother the children are expected to support the family. They travel in a circuit, and a circuit is the journey they take through each year to each different place where they find jobs with farmers in different parts of the country. Most of the time they do not enjoy this way of life but it is much better than the life they would live in Mexico. The children go to school only certain years of their lives and many of them years depend on their family. They really enjoy going to school because it means to them it is a break from working for them. When the summer comes they are disappointed because it is a start for work again. In the Circuit the kids always hoped that their father would land a permanent job so they would have to move around all of the time.

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