Dickinson uses form is when she ends the poem with a dash. Judith Farr.
believes that the dash seems to indicate that the poem is never ending,.
just as eternity is never ending (331). In conclusion, Dickinson's form.
helps the reader begin to comprehend the poem. Figurative language is.
one of the literary elements that Dickinson uses to help convey hidden.
messages to the reader. Alliteration is used several times throughout the.
poem. An example of alliteration occurs in lines 9 through 12: .
We passed the School, where Children strove At.
Recess-in the Ring- We passed the Fields of Gazing.
Grain- We passed the Setting Sun- Alliteration is used.
four times in the third quatrain alone. Bettina Knapp states that, "the.
alliterations.depict a continuity of scenes, thereby emphasizing the.
notion of never-endingness." Another type of figurative language that is.
used is repetition. The first instance of repetition occurs in lines 9,.
11, and 12 as she writes, "We passed" three times. The speaker in the.
poem is passing through everything that she has already lived through,.
thus giving the reader a sense of life going by. Another instance of.
repetition occurs in the fourth stanza. Dickinson repeats the word.
"ground" in lines 18 and 20 to help remind the reader that she is.
describing a grave, not a house. Figurative language is also used as.
Dickinson creates two instances of perfect rhyme. The first time perfect.
rhyme is used is in lines 2 and 4 with the rhyming of the words "me" and.
"immortality." The second, and last, time perfect rhyme is used is in.
lines 18 and 20 as she repeats the word "ground." All in all, Dickinson's.
use of figurative language contributes to the meaning of the poem. .
Another literary element that Dickinson uses in her poem is tone, which.
is used to help create the general mood of the poem. It is interesting to.
note that her tone in regards to death contrasts with that of her time.