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perspectives on state

             ".the bourgeoisie, has at last, since the establishment of Modern Industry and of the world market, conquered for itself, in the modern representative State, exclusive political sway. The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie." (Marx, 11).
             But what did they mean by this? They meant that the control and power within the state was not equally represented between the classes in society. Marx referred to democracy as the "bourgeoisie's democracy". .
             In an excerpt from The Poverty of Philosophy Marx wrote:.
             "The working class, in the course of development, will substitute for the old bourgeois society an association which will preclude classes and their antagonism, and there will be no more political power groups, since the political power is precisely the official expression of class antagonism in bourgeois society." (Marx, 182).
             So, what was simply meant by this was that if Marxism were to ever successfully to occur in a country would be that political parties would be wiped out because essentially they are a "bourgeoisie" party, so the power would be given down to what was the proletariat class. Hence the term, "Power to the people".
             Conservatism in politics is the desire to maintain or conserve the existing order. Conservatives value wisdom of the past and generally are opposed to reform of any kind. Conservatism is most often referred to a right-wing perspective of politics. .
             Conservatism dates back well into the eighteenth century to Edmund Burke. Burke was extremely opposed to the French revolution that began in 1789; he claimed society must have a stable order and structure to function properly. Like present day liberals Burke believed that if a change were to occur in government, it should happen gradually over time. A revolution he thought would only make things worse than they already were. He believed that state power was necessary to preserve and hold social order in place of society.

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