Her mother was notified right away and she went straight to the hospital because they lived twenty minutes away. Alice just wanted to take a shower, so the nurse let her take one but her friend Mary had to stay with her in the room because she was too weak to stay standing. Alice explained how she wanted to "keep the scolding hot water on her until her skin came off" because the feeling of that man touching her body just disgusted her. After all of the tests took place, Alice wanted to sleep at the dorm one last night before she left for home for the summer. When she returned to the dorm rooms, she saw one of her roommate's best friends Anna there, she had an African-American boyfriend. They knew each other from class and she gave Anna a hug because she obviously knew what was going on. When the young man went to hug her, she didn't return the hug and he backed off and said "The man who did this to you was black wasn't he?" Alice told him that he was black and she just was not comfortable with hugging him.
The first thing Alice's father asked her when she got back home was whether she"d like something to eat. "That would be nice," she said, "considering the only thing I've had in my mouth in the last twenty-four hours is a cracker and a cock." This definitely began the rough situation they were all in, no one knew what to say or how to act around Alice, and she hated that the most because she wanted everything to go back to normal even though she knows it could not. After a few weeks of being at home, Alice noticed how much her family is not a "normal" family. Her father had become so absorbed with work that he barely spoke to her, and he felt strange around her because of the disaster. Her mother became self-absorbed and didn't know how to handle the rape; she couldn't even go to the trial because she could not handle the situation. She also suffered from panic attacks. Her sister had already felt upstaged by the spotlight constantly being on Alice.