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mobile phone:attitude use

Therefore, some results conflicted with the findings of Laughlin. .
             Mobile phones and other mobile devices are fast becoming essential in this modern society. This research aimed to determine mobile phone users" attitudes and patterns are differences depending on each personal perception. The target groups as mobile users are the oversea students at ACL (Australian Centre for Languages) for equally males and females. The hypothesis of this research is that female students have different attitudes and patterns of using mobile phones to male students. .
             This research aimed to find out whether females have different attitudes and patterns of using mobile phone to males. A sample group of 50 overseas students studying at the Australian Centre for Languages (ACL) was selected and focused on gender only. Equal numbers of 25 males and 25 females were comprised from each class. Besides, Only Certificate IV and Diploma in English for academic purpose were surveyed.
             The questionnaire had 19 questions and contained 3 types of questions: Yes or No questions, ranking questions, and open-ended questions. It consisted of three parts. The first part concerned demographic questions such as gender and age. The second part was toward students" attitudes toward the use of mobile phones and focused on (a) what significant factors of mobile phones overseas students selected; (b) what reasons for changing mobile phones overseas students decided (c) how essential of mobile phone overseas students experienced. Finally, the third part focused on patterns of the use of mobile phones and focused on (d) the length of time students used mobile phones per week; (e) the frequent time they experienced. In order to gain an effective result, only 25 males and 25 females were participates and each individual owned a mobile phone. .
             The participants were given the questionnaires to complete and return within 15 minutes in class time.

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