At this point my grandmother who I had grown up with made a huge impact on my life. My grandmother believed wholeheartedly in Jesus Christ and the Evangelical Christian ideal. She instilled in me the idea that it doesn't matter what church you attend, rather that you are attending and dwelling in the house of the Lord with other believers. Also, she wanted me to become active in one of the local youth groups. When I was in eighth grade I chose to try the First Church Of God Youth group. This was the first non-denominational church I had ever been exposed to in my life and has since taught me much about my faith. .
I believe that God is the Creator of the universe and that Jesus, his son, became a living, breathing human being who was crucified by the Romans on a cross to save all of humanity from an eternity in Hell. On the same note, I also believe that he rose from the dead three days later and returned to heaven to sit at the right hand of His Father. Outside of what religion tells us, Jesus' life on Earth and his existence as a person can be proven through historical documentation. Therefore, despite one's individual opinions, we know Jesus was a real human being. Beyond His mere human existence, Jesus was also the miracle-working, one and only Son of God. He performed miracles that to this day have yet to be replicated. He healed people, and created a sensation that has lasted for over two centuries. No one has ever been as pivotal in the world's history as this man. Some may say there are others who have done what Jesus did, and when speaking of creating great followings, that is true. But the miracles and wonders he did while on earth and the people's lives that were changed by Him are evidence of his almighty power. .
I also believe that God created the Heavens and the Earth and all life within them. There are many theories which people use to refute that God is real and created everything.