• My father told me once that you first desire and then things will come your way, which is what I always have in mind now.
• One of the biggest strength is my parents who support me in whatever I do.
• I think twice before I do something.
My weaknesses:.
• I don't utilize my time properly.
• I trust anyone easily.
• I am very stubborn.
• Sometimes I get over confident about my self.
• I am an emotional fool.
My opportunities:.
• I had been given the opportunity to go and study abroad but I turned it down.
• I had the opportunity to take up non-medical but I gave it up in no time.
• I wanted to go into sports but my parents never saw the talent in me and never wanted me to sacrifice my studies for cricket.
My threats:.
• I as a child had inferiority complex, which was a big problem to me.
• I never wanted to do things and get caught but I seldom get out of it without getting caught.
• I always had a fear of my parents who always wanted me to do well in studies.
The concept of motivation:.
Today virtually all people-lay people and scholars-have their own concept of motivation and they include various terms like motives, needs, wants, drives, desires, wishes, incentives, etc. in defining motivation. Technically, the term motivation can be traced to the Latin word movere, which means "to move." In order to understand the concept of motivation, we have to examine three terms: motive, motivating and motivation and their relationship.
Motive has been described as follows:.
"A motive is restlessness, a lack, a yen, a force. Once in the grip of a motive, the organism does something to reduce the restlessness, to remedy the lack, to alleviate the yen, to mitigate the force." .
Here, we can differentiate between needs and wants. While needs are more comprehensive and include desires-both physiological and psychological, wants are expressed in narrow sense and include only those desires for which a person has money and also the desire to spend money to satisfy the wants.