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Even in some parts of the United States you can tap into the video feed and hear the Arabic telecasts. All told, 35 million Arabs have access to Al-Jazeera with 150,000 of those being American-Arabs (Timmerman).
             The most common attack on Al-Jazeera is that they are affiliated with the Taliban and more specifically with Osama Bin Laden, but these claims are completely unsubstantiated. Dan Rather questioned if there was "any indication that Osama Bin Laden has helped finance this operation" (Briggs). The Times of India says, "When Osama Bin Laden has something to say, he goes to Al-Jazeera. When Taliban want to denounce allied attacks on their country, they go to Al-Jazeera. And, Al-Jazeera is happy to oblige." By all accounts, Bin Laden and the Taliban have no financial stake in Al-Jazeera. Others question why Al-Jazeera is always the only news service that receive his video taped messages and they were the only news service that he has given interviews to. "Al-Jazeera had been labeled by some western media al a mouthpiece of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda" (The Scotsman). The reason Bin Laden goes to Al-Jazeera with his message is the same reason President Bush goes to CNN or why Tony Blair goes to the BBC. Osama Bin Laden and all Arab leaders are familiar with the station because it has been televising local events day after day for years. Also, the location of Al-Jazeera's correspondents is convenient. Up until the fall of the Taliban, there was no press in Afgahnistan except Al-Jazeera. .
             Another common question deals with why Al-Jazeera repeatedly runs video of graphic controversial stories like the Osama Bin Laden interviews. This is a valid question when you realize that some think these stories are meant to incite hatred and violence. "Al-Jazeera shamelessly plays to the nastiest corner of the Arab street, offering a frighteningly familiar mix of virulent anti-Americanism and unrelenting anti-Semitism" (Christabella).

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