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             Our foundation is solid, our success is measurable and the future is bright" (Target. After our great success in the United States, we at Target feel that it is time for our company to take on a new challenge and make Target a multinational corporation. Our plan is to duplicate our success here in the United States in other countries. .
             The first country that we are looking to expand into is Russia. Our plan is to start off small by slowly introducing Target products into the country. We will do this by having Russian stores sell Target products in order to find out if Target could be a success in the country. If the people of Russia take to Target products, eventually we plan on opening Target stores in Russia that are similar to those seen in the United States. .
             The reason for choosing Russia is that we want to start off with a country that is large and has a steady economic foundation. According to the Russian Journal, "this year, investments into the Russian economy are poised to take off as the country turns into one of the most promising economies for long-term growth . "When the whole world seems to be in a recession except for a few countries, and with Russian GDP growth being a star in the world, it is obvious that smart money will flow to where it can be invested smartly. And probably, Russia is the place right now."" .
             The people of Russia were also a major factor for us choosing this country. Russia has approximately 150 million people inhabiting the country. Target wants to reach out and be able to offer the people of Russia quality items at reasonable prices. We understand that Russia is not full of wealthy citizens, in fact, many Russians live in poverty and this is why we feel that introducing Target to the Russian population would be a good idea. Target is not a store that attracts wealthy individuals, however it does attract middle and lower class families by offering quality merchandise at reasonable prices.

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