It allows the potential for the elected officials to more closely mirror the population than the first-past-the-post system, producing policies that are in line with the "will of the majority." This is true because when more voters have representation at the policy-making table, a majority in the legislature is more likely to be grounded in a majority of the electorate than when many voters are cut out of representation. Also, when political groupings can form and run candidates from across the spectrum, voters can more precisely define their representation. That increased representation of viewpoints across the spectrum can lead to more complete discussions of important issues, thereby allowing the majority's interests to be better articulated and defined. .
The single member plurality system, some argue, encourages a strong local representation, as every representative speaks for the people of a particular district. This may lead toward greater accountability and more efficient government . But, single member plurality systems, by their nature, tend to produce legislatures that, on the whole, do not represent the diversity of political opinion in the electorate. Only one representative can speak for all the people in a particular district. In racially diverse areas, especially those with a history of racially polarized voting, racial minorities will not gain representation unless districts are drawn to make them the majority in particular legislative districts not always easy to do and inevitably controversial. Germany's proportional representation system promotes a more accurate and balanced form of representation than the single member plurality system of Great Britain. .
The participation of citizens is essential to maintaining a stable and representative democracy. If the people collectively contain the authority of the government, they need to be involved in choosing who they want to represent them.