Buffalo Bills, I thought that the Patriots season opener would be .
an exciting game, hopefully resulting in a Patriots win. Boy was .
I wrong. The Patriots got DE-STROYED! The Bills, with my man Drew .
Bledsoe at the helm, looked like a tight team of superstars, executing.
perfectly. The Pats, on the other hand, looked like a poorly disciplined .
high school football team with a losing record. The season looked glim.
The Pats were plagued with injuries. It seemed like every play resulted .
in another man limping off the field. By Game 5, Bellichek had started .
over fourty players! The Pats, at the time 3 and 2, had the best record.
of any team to start fourty or more players that early in the season, and .
lots of our young guys were stepping up big. This could have been a .
predictor, but I still saw and expected an 8 and 8 team. They barely made .
it through some games, but won, as is normally their style. But the thing .
of it is. they just keep winning. They refuse to lose. Each game the Pats .
looked tighter, and as an added bonus our injured starters are returning .
steadily to fortify a team that was already fairly solid without them. The .
Pats have three shutouts under their belts, and have not lost a game to a .
team with a winning record.
I don't know how they pulled it off, but the Patriots may finish as the number .
one team in football. I thought that the season was over after the first game. .
A few games into the season they were showing signs of life, but were devastated .
with injuries. Amazingly, however, the Pats have managed to earn, steal, .
barely survive, shut out, struggle, and push their way through eleven wins, .
and there are still three games remaining! With a franchise record of 11 and 2 .
after thirteen games and no real superstars on the team (argueably), Bill .
Bellichek and these Patriots have already given us an amazing season. Almost .
every game has had me on the edge of my seat. Whatever happens from here on in, .