For example, it is assumed that a first generation Hispanic immigrant will work harder then an African American whose descendants have been in country for 200 years. But when that Hispanic immigrant is matched up against a Caucasian male, the Caucasian is picked because of his assumed intelligence. The same system of assumed identity also applies to gender although it is slightly more balanced. It is typically difficult for a woman to be a construction worker because it is a job dominated by males, but it is equally as hard for a male to be a maid because it is a traditionally female occupation. Unfortunately, women only make 80 cents for every dollar men make, unbalancing the proportionalities of the system. When the assumed roles mentioned above are translated to the urban world, buffers are created even when there is hardly space to do so. Parts of the city are designed for specific groups of people. Playgrounds are public space but some allow only children and their parents to use it. Even though this may seem insignificant, it can be quite detrimental to the community if this happens with a number of spaces. By allowing this practice, urban centers accept and promote segregation, negating the very principles of human rights by which this country stands on. .
The most common barrier in cities, and the entire world, is socio-economic status. Depending on how much money you do or do not have, your experience will differ drastically. As I mentioned before, not all people are welcome in public space and even public space can become a private entity. Private corporations often hold municipality's hostage by threatening to leave unless certain benefits are provided. Because of this, it is a common practice for cities to completely finance sports stadiums. Although these stadiums are in reality public spaces, people are charged to enter them, and owners of the teams profit immensely from these one sided transactions.