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Understanding Conception

During this stage the blastocyst develops two fetal membranes, the chorion and amnion. The placenta is also developed during this stage and has job of providing food, gases, and wastes between mother and fetus. Soon after the placenta forms it connects with the umbilical cord, and the point of conception has now ended, and pregnancy begun. .
             Symptoms of pregnancy are normally the way a woman who has conceived is able to tell whether or not she is in fact pregnant. Some symptoms of pregnancy include; missed menstrual cycle, positive pregnancy test, nausea, breast tenderness, and so on. When determining whether or not a woman is pregnant if any of the symptoms are present it is important to see a physician as soon as possible. After determining the pregnancy, positive; the due date must then be established. The due date can be determined from the woman's last menstrual cycle, and/or by ultrasound.
             After many studies by different physicians and doctors, it is said that once a mother has found to be pregnant that prenatal care and diet are very important. Prenatal care deals with doctor supervision on nutrition, exercise, and other important issues. It is also good to know the importance of why alcohol, drugs, smoking, and sexually transmitted disease can affect you or your unborn child during pregnancy. .
             Once pregnancy is determined the next stages are very important, critical, and even an enjoyment to the mother to be. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. The first trimester consist of the first month to the third month. This month is when the fertilization (conception) period begins. The egg grows in a sac that forms around it, gradually filling with fluid, this sac is known as the amniotic sac. The placenta also develops in the beginning of this trimester. Facial features begin to develop and continue to develop in the first trimester, the brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system is formed.

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