Abortions are obviously in great demand (7). The ban on abortions in the United States could lead many women to having illegal abortions. Many countries that illegalize abortion have high death rates of women compared to countries that legalize abortions, such as United States. Ethiopia is one of the countries that ruled abortion illegal. According to WHO, the death rate from illegal abortions in Ethiopia is 1,209 per 100,000 abortions and, by contrast, in United States the death rate from legal abortions is about 1 per 100,000 (9). This is one of the main points that pro-choice supporters stress on. They claim if abortion is illegalized then mothers will have to resort to having illegal operations, which would be more hazardous to their health than having an abortion through an experienced doctor. Pro-Life supporters argue that the data provided for the deaths of mothers doing legal abortions is not true. Many state that the number of maternal deaths through abortion is way higher than shown in official records (10). .
Pro-Life supporters ask a basic question to mothers having abortions, why selfishly kill a baby when u can give it up for adoption? ----. It would less hurtful to hand over a baby to an adoption clinic rather than take the life of the baby away from it. It is religiously and morally wrong to do that. The point raised about adoption sounds reasonable enough until the Pro-Choice people argue on the same issue, but in a different manner of course. They turn our attention towards the rapidly growing population of the world. According to some statistics, there have been over 40 million abortions since abortions have been legalized in the United States. Every year approximately 1.3 million abortion are performed annually (1). If abortion is illegalized and mothers are forced to have their babies, this would increase the population of the United States and add to the population of the world as well----.