This system has now been switched off in Australia and replaced by Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
2nd generation systems which are digital with a European digital standard, Global Systems for Mobile Communications (GSM), was introduced into Australia in 1993 by Telstra and is used by Optus, Vodafone, Hutchinson/Orange.
3rd generation systems are also digital and available across Europe and globally from 2002. 3G is the combination of high speed mobile access and internet access services.
Social Implications.
12 years ago, mobile phones were only for the wealthy and had a "yuppie- image. 7 years ago they were still rare and now by 2003 over 65% of Australians own a mobile telephone. The increased use of these wireless devices creates many social implications for the society that uses them:.
u Private conservations that used occur at home or in the office are now becoming shared events in restaurants, street corners, airports and just about anywhere.
Already society is acknowledging the increased use of mobile phones in public areas:.
u London clubs prohibit the use of mobiles except in designated areas.
u In Switzerland, railways have set aside special cars for their use.
u On the Japanese bullet trains, mobile phone users are asked to make their calls in specially designated areas.
The mobile telephone also has its good points. It is indispensable for medical emergencies, to get directions, to change times for appointments due to traffic jams, and similar situations.
Environmental Implications.
Old mobile telephones are a danger to the environment. Approximately 10 million unused mobile telephones are lying around the in homes or offices of Australians, and according to plant ark, are an environmental hazard. Over half of the Australian population owns a mobile phone and exchanges it, on average, every 18 to 24 months which adds up to a large amount of waste.
Throwing old mobile phones into landfill can cause problems as the cadmium from batteries can leak into the soil and cadmium is more toxic and longer lasting than lead.