The village is facing a drought. It had not rained enough last year and it had not rained yet that year. They were living meager lives getting along with what ever they had. They were given a tax break last year when they paid only half the regular tax. .
Their king shares a working relationship with the British, who are led by Capt. Russell in their cantonment. One day, playing a political game with the traditionally Hindu, vegetarian king, Russell demands he eat meat or have his kingdom cough up twice the lagaan (tax). The king refuses and the prospect of paying twice the tax seems daunting to the poor villagers. This creates turmoil among the people and they want to ask the Raja to spare them, as they were not able to grow anything. .
The villagers of Champaner approach their king, who in turn explains to them that the lagan/tax cannot be waived this year. But Russell in an inexplicable move concedes, demanding that the villagers beat him and his team at cricket, to settle an old score with Bhuvan. The condition is if the villagers v/s who know nothing about cricketv/s beat the British in their own game, they and the whole province wont have to pay taxes for the next three years but if they lose they pay three times the normal tax. Bhuvan accepts and is left with looking for team-mates to play against the Brits and beat them at their own game. .
What follows is the saga of how the whole village community comes together as one and fights the British at their own game.
Perception: is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.
Novelty/Familiarity factor of perceptual selectivity. New object or event in familiar setting or familiar object or event in new setting will draw the attention of the perceiver.
When Bhuvan was given offer of no tax if they win match against double tax, he perceived it as an opportunity.