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Matt Cohen

            For many years infidelity has been present throughout numerous relationships. Those who have committed the act only know the reason for this, but for most, it is an engagement attributed to personal feelings. In the book Flowers of Darkness, Annabelle Jamieson cheats on her husband Allen. Conflict will arise in situations of this nature, especially when there is love involved for both partners. Adultery is often linked to a loveless relationship, along with various sensations and feelings never experienced before, which has been portrayed in many aspects of this novel. .
             Annabelle had been searching for something unknown to her almost all of her life. Even through marriage, that something was still missing, though she couldn't quite tell what it was. Feeling in control was a power she often possessed; that is until she met Gordon Finch, the church minister. Aware of his publicized infidelity through her neighbour Donna, Annabelle felt somewhat intimidated by him in a sexual sense. This is evident when she thinks this during their first encounter:.
             "Finch was sitting so close that despite herself, she imagined reaching out to touch him, putting her fingertips to those soft and vulnerable islands stroking the closed eyes that now focused on Donna with total concentration." .
             Annabelle experienced a sensation she herself was uncertain of, nor, did she like it at all.
             Disguised feelings for Finch continued to process through Annabelle's mind, for every time she sees or hears him she can't help but desire him, and then wonder why. After a phone call from him, Annabelle finds herself asking aloud: "What could I want with Finch?" Then proceeds to notice .
             "She was remembering that that was how she had been before she met Allen, temperamental and explosive, when she realized the insides of her thighs were sore, the way they got when she wanted to make love." After this awakening, Annabelle realizes she had deep feelings for him, and is powerless to change them.

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