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             Gorbachev attempted to stimulate the economy by focusing heavily on machine-building industry which in turn would help technological progress. This was not the case. Perestroika Mark I, " was launched with a new and lively style of presentation, television interviews, question-and-answer sessions with workers on the shopfloor, during which Gorbachev talked about technological innovation, about greater openness or glasnost, about encouraging personal initiative in the economy, but made very little progress towards these goals." (p.146) The problem was the contradiction between uskorenie and perestroika. An increase in production using a centralized government due to uskorenie or acceleration led to an overall shortage. " Gorbachev proclaimed his intentions to decentralize the economy by offering individual enterprises more autonomy."(p.154). This had a lot of potential to improve the economy, but by the time the law came into effect on January 1988 the new institutions of centralization and discipline were already in use. Enterprises having always been told what to do had little experience dealing with their self-financing. Enterprises found it easier to continue filling imposed production targets called "state contract orders". This caused shortages. With enterprises creating frivolous goods, workers found that there is nothing of necessity to purchase with they"re newly earned wages. This led to no improvement in the economy and no change in the shortage. .
             Unlike his views toward enterprises Gorbachev was hesitant about changing collective farms. Gorbachev began to urge collective farm chairmen to offer miniature long-term leases of land as well as the rehabilitation of Bukharin, who had argued for a gradual "co-operatisation" of farms instead of full-scale collectivization. It seemed as though Gorbachev was slowly moving toward private agriculture. He hesitated to take the final step due to the fear of losing the authority of the farms.

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