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            Four ways that the world tries to define God are Teleological, Cosmological, Ontological, and The Moral Proof. These categories are just few of the many ways that people try to explain or prove Gods existence. The truth is that there are so many ways to prove the existence of the Almighty, though they have been hidden for several thousand years. Ideas have been tossed around so long. The fact is that there are only about four main ideas that have grown to be a popular source of foundation for belief.
             The first, the Teleological proof is something that is so amazing so awe inspiring to think about. It is hard to believe that people look around the world and still do not believe that there is a God. The human body in itself is a blatant reminder of the majesty and absolute power of God. The idea that someone so majestic as God would also be so relational as to create a race intended to be in complete fellowship with him is astounding. .
             The second, cosmological proof is somewhat hazy in its qualification of being a sound way to prove Gods existence. The idea that God created everything and nothing created God is something that Is so hard to grasp, that it probably is not intended to be understood atleast in this life time anyway. If every answer were to be given to society on a silver platter then there would be nothing but mindless drones wondering around and every one making the right decision. Even though humans would still have free will to decide if they truly knew and understood the reason for all that is in the world then we would live in a perfect society. The idea that in the beginning everything was good. Cloudy judgement and lies from the devil have hidden the truth for years.
             The third, Ontological proof this is also a proof to be misunderstood, because it can be easily misunderstood, and thrust in to an on going circle. The idea that in order for something to exist it must be thought up and if it can be thought up then it does exist.

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