" (Danylo Hawaleshka, 345) Common sense would dictate that technology began to assist in performing tasks quicker, easier and more efficiently. Some argue that human invention of the computer was the next step in our evolution to keep up with the demanding consumption of goods, and was sparked back during the industrial revolution. So could robotics and computers be filling the gap that humans will be missing in the future? John points out a dilemma in The Lonely Planet " what is perhaps the most common assumption of modern times, that the world's population is exploding, is no longer true." (John Ibbitson, 365) Perhaps we will need these machines to take the place of individuals that once slaved doing grunt work in a factory or mindless deskwork that could potentially be filled by programmed machines. There could also be a place for social robots; John illustrates " Imagine a world of lonely children. They are lonely because there are so few of them. They long for brothers or sisters, cousins, classmates, friends. They share the world with old, tired people, who are dying slowly, selfishly."(John Ibbitson, 363) In a world in which our population seems to be falling, the demand for extreme improvement in health care and quality of life could be as simple as the creation of a physically and mentally superior robot to assist us in achieving it.
Society has now accepted the idea of computerization and has begun to adapt to the changes it brings about. There is however praiseworthy and alarming ideas to ponder about the future of our world based on the changes occurring in both technology and our social patterns. "Robot" derives from a Czech word robota, meaning, "forced labor." Since the arrival of the idea of a robot people have had mixed feelings about them, either believing they are loyal servants or diabolical threats. So far, the machines that exist have been service oriented and could not threaten or undermine us.