The company became a body politic, a self-governing community. The condition of freeman ship was made, as a religious qualification. The superficial object of the company, when it secured the charter, was to profit by trade; the real object was to establish a religious community with freedom of conscience, not for all, but for those who expressed these established document. And the religious test for freeman ship became a safeguard by which they secured the future for which they had sacrificed so much. The matter of popular government did not come without some friction.
In the matter of local government, the old system of England, namely half ecclesiastical and half political, was reproduced in the towns. But it soon lost its religious functions and became a political unit, with rebellious absolute control of local government.
The Hutchinson family applied for membership of the Boston Church, but found .
out that they wouldn't accept Anne Hutchinson. Deputy Governor Dudley said that Mrs. .
Hutchinson was unsuitable for church membership. The more spiritual ladies in Boston .
gathered in the midweek and discussed their pastor's teaching. At first Mrs. Hutchinson .
did not attend these gatherings because she though it was allowed by the authorities, but .
later on she began attending. Moreover she was asked to lead the gatherings, which were.
held at her home. The meetings became very popular and soon were held twice a week, .
drawing more than fifty women. Several pastor's became horrified at the idea of a crowd .
of women discussing their sermons. Another problem for the government was that many .
men turned to Mrs. Hutchinson for advice. The local government and church firmly stood .
against that she shouldn't instruct and guide the men.
This orientation document has both a political and social points. It is political .
because the rules of Massachusetts colony and the church is being violated.