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Birth Of A Nation

            Americans today spend roughly 70 percent of their waking free time watching television. The way people spend their free time can shape their views of the world and attitudes towards others. Television shows and movies can only shape attitudes if they are viewed. It is people's choice to choose if they want their or their children's attitudes to change. The Birth of A Nation has been said to be one of the most racist films ever made. This film could have helped shaped attitudes when viewed by children in the south as a history lesson and by Ku Klux Klan members. People are so absorbed with fitting in and acting "normal" that they are very vulnerable to being influenced from what they watch. .
             Characters in movies and television shows children look up to because everything looks so glamorous and fun no matter what it is. Fashions are influenced by what people see on television and in movies. People's attitudes towards one another maybe influenced by movies or televisions shows. Even the way people act can be influenced from watching television. When the show "Jackass" aired on television many kids began trying the stunts that they saw on the show. Children started trying these stunts because they were influenced by the show. When Sarah Jessica Parker from the show "Sex and the City" began wearing fake flower pins on her jackets women all over copied the fashion. People see something like that on a show that already influences them in other ways and they think "that must be in fashion if she's wearing it". Both children and grown ups are influenced by what they view on their televisions. The only way to stop being influenced by television is to all together stop watching it. Some say that you could just watch shows or movies that don't have great influence on the viewers but all shows and movies have influence on their viewers. There is not one show or movie that doesn't influence the viewer's thoughts from watching how the characters act.

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