Enkidu was created and lived among the beasts and animals. The two finally met and fought like men and became friends. Gilgamesh was even more happy now that he had a companion to pal around with. Enkidu, later, will teach Gilgamesh about life, through his own death, even though he came from a primitive lifestyle. Odysseus helps defeat the Trojans in the battle of the Trojan horse. He becomes sort of a legend and is thought to be the best strategist alive. He receives unbelievable amounts of treasures for his return to Ithaca. Life for Odysseus is all but perfect just as it is for our other character, Gilgamesh. Nothing lasts forever, as both Odysseus and Gilgamesh will find out later. Gilgamesh and Enkidu end up making the god, Enlil, angry because they killed the Bull of Heaven and Humbaba, the protector of the Cedar Mountains. So Enkidu must die. At this point, Enkidu curses everyone that has helped him become civilized because now he knows what death is and the consequences of it. Shamash, the Sun god, makes him realize that without this knowledge and these people helping him, he would have never known his friend Gilgamesh, eaten bread fit for the gods, drank wine of the kings, or dressed like royalty. Enkidu then realized that his meaning of life was to live a wonderful life and accept death instead of not knowing what life could have given him. Without the conscience of life and death such as he was before becoming civilized, he would have roamed the land and died without knowledge. Enkidu realizes the knowledge of life is far more rewarding than the absence or knowledge of death. This absence of death can mean the same as immortality for Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh will learn this lesson soon enough, but it is ironic that a primitive being such as Enkidu found out the meaning of life before our strong god-like Gilgamesh. On his journey home from Troy, Odysseus finds out he can make mistakes too.