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             If you look up forgive in the dictionary you will find : To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon. To renounce anger or resentment against. In life people will do things that hurt you and make you mad. But are you going to hold a grudge or are you going to forgive them? Forgiveness is a hard thing to do. If someone is truly sorry for what they did I think they should be forgiven. .
             If a man commits a crime for example he murders someone and realizes he mad a huge mistake and is sorry I think he should be forgiven. God forgives and I think we should also. The world would be a lot better if we all forgave. It shows you are a well rounded individual if you can forgive someone. Anyone can hold things against a person but it takes a good person to realize that people do make mistakes and may have not done something intentionally to hurt others. .
             When you get into a fight with a friend watch what you say. Friends tell you things knowing you will not think less of them or tell anyone else but when you are fighting and you make fun of them for something they told you it is hard to forgive because you really hurt they person. I had an experience like that. I told my friend something personal and when we were fighting she brought it up and it hurt and it took a lot to forgive.

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