While the definition of obesity is relatively simple, several factors can contribute to its danger. At birth, one's genetic makeup somewhat predetermines the likelihood of he or she becoming obese. In fact, heredity influences about thirty-three percent of body weight (What is Obesity "Medbroadcast.com). A person's biological mother plays an enormous role in determining her child's metabolic processes and tendency to be overweight. A child has a seventy-five percent chance of being heavy if the mother is overweight as an adult (causes of Obesity). An overweight child is much more likely to be overweight as an adult that an adult who was not overweight as a child. Age is not a direct cause of obesity, however, it is the eating patterns associated with age that contribute to obesity. As the body's metabolic rate slows with age, many people frequently eat the same as hey did when they were younger and their metabolism was faster. These eating habits often consist of big portions of foods highly concentrated with fats and sugars, so consequently, these people gain weight (Causes of Obesity). Research released by study from the Nutrition Research and education Department at the University of Nevada shows that much of the blame for this epidemic is culturally generated. The study states that in American society, people drive instead of walk; fast food is available twenty-four hours a day; children are bombarded with advertisements for junk foods; and one quarter of all the vegetables we eat are french fries. Another contributing is social status, especially in women. Research shows hat obesity is twice as common in women in lower socioeconomic groups have more time and resources for dieting and exercise (What is Obesity "Medbroadcast.com).
America's enemy, obesity can often contribute to many serious, often fatal side effects. One of the most common complications of obesity is hypertension, or high blood pressure.