Coronary artery disease is directly related to saturated fat intake. In studies testing cholesterol levels, vegetarians beat out all others including those that only ate lean meats. Milk, however, lowers blood cholesterol, as does soy. Another benefit is the lack of digestive disorders among vegetarians. It is possible that this is directly related to the high fiber content consumed. The last main benefit of the vegetarian diet is its relationship to cancer rate reduction, especially colon cancer. People who develop colon cancer tend to eat more meat, less fiber, and more saturated fat than those without colon cancer. This is the same case with lymphatic cancer. The only advantage a meat eater might have over a vegetarian would be during pregnancy and childhood. Studies have shown that children grow best when they eat meat products. Likewise, vegetarian women may enter pregnancy too thin and be lacking in stores of nutrients. Obviously, there are advantages and drawbacks to both diets however I feel the vegetarian diets advantages greatly outweigh its shortcomings. Whether a meat eater or vegetarian, both diets can contribute to good health with proper planning.
Vegetarian .
To eat meat or not to eat meat, that is the question. Since the beginning of time this issue has been among us, causing some of us to wonder what the right answer is. As well as arising questions such as: Are human animals structured to eat meat? How does eating meat affect others? If we do choose to eat meat what exactly are we eating? And what about the health benefits? The word vegetarian has nothing to do with vegetables. The word vegetare is Latin for "enliven", or prolong one's life. As animals, our bodies are designed to eat and digest vegetables, not meat. First, we have pathetic claws and dull teeth that are meant more for crushing nuts and seeds, not tearing flesh. Second, unlike carnivores, we don't have enzymes to kill bacteria in the meat to break it down properly.