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a biased look into the heart

When I say "docudrama", I think of the scenes from Canada. Where everyone in Canada is basically portrayed as being fearless, intelligent, and overall, just having things "figured out". While in Canada, a scene is shown where Moore prances from household to household, opening everyone's unlocked doors and practically walking in. Of course, all of these "skits" where Moore breaks into peoples homes are completely un-staged. In fact, this overwhelmingly carefree attitude of joy and understanding that Canadians are portrayed to have might be true. There is a good chance that people in Canada are "better" than Americans, but I don't think Moore's biases are exactly necessary in most situations. For instance, when people were on camera from America they were nearly entirely portrayed as some type of radical, or just racist ignorant individuals. I felt it was moments like these that really lessened the overall value of this film. His bias is strongly felt the entire film, most of which comes in a format where you have to sort of read into the scene to see his true motivation.
             Moore's bias is more "in your face" in some facts he gives throughout the film. Early on in the film a string of scenes where pop ups of random facts on violence come up is very questionable in my mind. The facts are mostly of violence that America has inflicted on other countries and other Americans. I can't say if these facts are the least bit false, but I do know they .
             are rather disturbing. I"m not sure how credible those facts are, but I do know I began to question them during another scene from the Canadian section of the film. In that section, Moore stated that racial issues could not be the cause for gun violence in America, because Canada is reportedly 13% non-white. I found that interesting, because America is well over twice that in non-white residents. That awkward statement from Moore makes me question nearly all of his facts.

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