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domestic violence

(Dobash & Dobash, 1992:25).
             Deborah Kelly .
             Student Number: 999002203.
              Women experiencing learned helplessness described as suffering from "battered woman syndrome". (ibid;227).
              Early conditioning in women's lives "attach" them to "cycle of violence". Three repetitive stages of cycle - tension building and eruption followed by a calm period. As woman engages in cycle, she becomes an accomplice to her attacks. (ibid:226).
              A depressive syndrome - after continuos frustration they give up hope. Walker (1997) cited in (Stark & Flitcraft, 1996:148) They view leaving as pointless and fear it would provoke additional violence. Blackman (1989:116-117) cited in (Tifft, 1993:66).
              Feelings of helplessness prevent women from seeking help from formal/informal sources. (op. Cit:1992:225) .
              Victimisation that has been clinically defined ie: learned helplessness and co-dependency can reinforce the batterer's perspectives - i.e: a woman should know her place. Pence (1985:6) cited in (op. Cit 1993:94).
             Can play a significant part in women choosing not to leave their abusers. .
              It is not uncommon, particularly for middle class women to feel reluctant to seek help and have an aversion to refiges. (Glass, 195:143).
              Mooney (1994) discovered that a percentage of men who admitted using violence did not differ appreciably by class. Cited from (Mayhew et al, 1993, Women's Aid).
              Racism has an additional impact of violence for African American battered women thus: loyalty to their culture, gender roles and men influenced them. (Richie, 1996:158).
              One woman in therapy admitted her husband beat her but confirmed "The Christian ethic is that you stay married forever". (Caplan, 1989:146).
              Negative stereotypical images can influence women to stay - idea that "only bad girls get hurt" has an impact on women staying quiet.

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