Preparing for college during senior year can cause much stress in any student's life. Dealing with finding a financial way to pay for college tuition and other necessities could possibly have the greatest affect on future college students. To help with all of this, High School has decided to give one lucky senior the chance to win the ultimate prize filled with college goodies.
In order to participate, the participants must meet specific guidelines for eligibility. Firstly, they must have attended High School for a minimum of two years prior to the lottery. Because the donations made by the community of their town consist of a brand new car, hundreds of dollars in scholarship money, and various gift certificates, the winner should represent their town. In addition, the candidate must also have a GPA of at least a 3.5 or higher. Ensuring that the entrant worked hard for their grades, they will have the chance to win this prestigious prize opposed to someone who has slacked off. Furthermore, the student must also complete a total of 10 hours or more of community service towards the city of Spring in their junior year of high school; volunteering to help the community shows the characteristics of nobility and integrity. .
Each person that meets all of these prerequisites may then purchase a ticket. To obtain a ticket, he or she must go to the pride window, located across from the cafeteria and next to the attendance window. Once there, the person must sign a sheet which states that they purchased one ticket; having this done gives each person an equal chance to win. To help keep the lottery going every year, each ticket will cost $50 a piece. Part of this money will go back to the companies that made the donations and also back to the school to help with other funds. Once the student purchased the ticket, he or she must then print their name on the provided lines, tear the ticket in half along the adhesive lines, and place it in the green barrel next to the Lion's cookie jar.